What affliction is desire?
Of waiting
Knowing in the end
That you are not wanted.
It is the inklings of another's
Seeming affection
That baits us ever forward
And yet,
In reflection
The ache you feel is self-inflicted
Slow torture
Of seeing more
Than what is there.
Rationally, we know why.
Know what other priorities
Lay indelicately
Affection to the side.
We know what Fears
A sweet caress
Can command.
We know what hidden
Would prefer to hide
Never venturing forth
Into the rain.
We're tired of wanting to be wanted
Of hoping for
Affection's sound
Offered not as a response
But as a desire:
Of warmth stirred
From a warm heart
That pretends to play it cool.
What do we get out of this
Pointless longing?
Why would our heart persist
Against the silent wall
Forged of self-preservation
That brings isolation
To the heart that would
Rather not be lonely
If not for the past
And the echoes of fear
Bouncing off those self-same
It should be us who flees,
But there are
And the occasional light
That spills from them
Ignites a new wick
Though the silence would snuff
Each candle that marks the
Now the candle burns low
And I fear that the wind
Will blow
And that I'm running
Out of