The way in which my
writing has changed with the passing of time is evident in every
facet of the process and the final product. I write in verse because
that is simply the way I write. I wish I could say there was
something purposeful about it, but the truth would remain unchanged.
I like it. It's structure has become more sophisticated over time,
and large part of that was intentional, but I think it would be more
interesting to note one of the unintentional transitions.
My early
play-in-verse structure, in both form and layout, drew from the heavy
hitters of yore. My original emulation of Heroic Couplets strove
after the flavor of Milton and Paradise Lost, while the structure
itself pulled upon the Bard; William Shakespeare. I had read more
Shakespeare than any other playwright, all those years ago, and I
recall being somewhere in Hell, then, too, so it should come as no
surprise to anyone that they influenced my beginning. Of course, I
was certainly nowhere near capable of accomplishing so daunting of a
task with any degree of success... which is not to say I didn't
finish that first play, but that I slowly started to change my
methodology in the second... and in every play since, too, for that