
Airport Sparrows Act 2 scene vii and viii

So, here it is folks, the final two scenes of Airport Sparrows.  I hope you have enjoyed it, and we'll see what's next on the blog when I figure that out.  That whole planning ahead thing I haven't quite figured it out yet.

Act 2 scene vii
an airport 


Michelle- I must admit that I’m surprised you’re back.
What’s wrong the international track? 

Sarah- For the likes of you, think nothing at all,
But you’ve always looked to destinations
More than have ever enjoyed the journey.
I just think it’s too long a flight for me. 

enter LAURA, spilling coffee on them 

Laura- Oh fuck, oh shit!  I’m so fucking sorry!
I wasn’t watching where I was going. 

Sarah- Forget about it ma’am, it didn’t burn, we’re fine. 
Just watch the track to which your feet align.

[LAURA starts to go then stops Something about Sarah seems familiar] 

Michelle- Hope this is noteworthy, not portentious,
The last time made you rather contentious. 

Sarah- I beg you, don't remind me of that trial,
There's a reason I took to foreign skies. 

Michelle- You never had the best luck with the guys...
Is there something we can help you with ma'am? 

Laura- What? No... Sorry... it's just... do I know you?
I don't know why, but I swear that do. 

Sarah- I’m sorry ma’am, but you, I do not know.

[finally, SARAH's face clicks LAURA's memory] 

Can we, you, unto your terminal show? 

Laura- You know me not, least not personally,
But Marc knows you, and well do I know he. 

Michelle- What are you talking about dear woman?
Haven't you made enough trouble today? 

Laura- I have caused enough trouble in my time
To give a rat’s ass over what you might say,
But to you, Sarah, I’ve a debt to pay. 

Sarah- We’ve a flight to catch, and likewise do you,
Come on Michelle, we still have much to do. 

Laura- I beg you, give me a moment of time.
You’ll never see me again after this,
But pray, don't so easily dismiss me. 

Sarah- Damn it. Why don't you go ahead Michelle. 

Michelle- Mark my words, Sarah, this will not end well. 


Sarah- Alright lady, you have my attention,
What is the manner of your contention? 

Laura- But this alone; twas me he called in love –
No, stop!  Beg of you let me finish this,
I owe him, and you this, the very least.
What you overheard was me strung way out
Trying to win back what I’d no claim to.
I have loved that boy for more than eight years,
Through all of the drugs, and I love him still,
But Marc did not return to hell for me.
His mother’s final wish summoned him;
I’m just a scar that ripped open again
As he watched his mother wither away,
That's only reason that he went back there;
It had naught at all to do with me. 

Sarah- Why are you telling me this? Honestly. 
He's the last person I would want to see. 

Laura- That may be true for you, but not for Marc.
You gave him something to look forward to
In a town that's only breaking him down.
You’ve no idea the hell he’s going through... 

Sarah- And I don't care. Listen to me, lady... 

Laura- Marc’s mom died yesterday, so now he's free
To live a life not tied to that damn town.
Please hear; it was my sin that you witnessed,
And for him, I thought it best you should know.
I’m sorry to bother you; I will go. 

Sarah-Wait a goddamn minute; Now it's my turn.
What is it you even think I can do?
I turned a cold shoulder on him so fast
That I don’t think he’ll quick forgive the past. 

Laura- Perhaps, perhaps not, but it’s worth a try,
At least I would; did... for that very guy. 

Sarah- You know I’ve denied ev’ry chance to hear
Any explanation for what happened.
Why should I listen to you who wrought ill
When I’ve no reason to trust you still? 

Laura- In the end, can only see for yourself
And decide through what evidence is shown
Whether or not we have spoken the truth.
For me, I do this because I love him
And I have heard my brother speak of Marc 
And what Marc's own voice has said about you.
I am doing what I know that I must
Because I know he’d be glad to see you,
And I hope that by clearing the air now
You might reconsider the flight you chose;
He's a great guy, and not someone I'd lose.

Sarah- Nor have you; I heard him say "I love you." 

Laura- And it's you who would further misconstrue 
A word that's spoken of friends and fam'ly.
Yes, I'm Marcus' crazy ex-girlfriend,
But the love he bears me is as fam'ly;
The person he wanted to be with is you. 

Sarah- What's done is done, there's nothing I can do... 

Laura- That is entirely up to you, dear; 
I just wanted you to know what happened. 

Sarah- Even though it changes nothing for me? 
I've gotta go; have a safe flight, lady. 

exit SARAH 

Laura- My name is Laura, for when you see him... 


Act 2 scene viii
the Blue Canary

Enter MARC and LYNDON. It's just after BETTY's funeral 

Marc- Thanks for opening up the bar, Lyndon.
I couldn't handle all those people mourning. 

Lyndon- Think nothing of it Marc, I understand.
There are few in that company I’d see,
And the most important is here with me. 

Marc- What am I supposed to do now, Lyndon?
There is naught awaiting me in LA
And sure as hell can’t stay here much longer.
I don’t know how you can do it my friend;
How can you, this bar, in this damn town, tend? 

Lyndon- For a while there, I did it for Laura;
I hoped it would be a refuge for her,
Somewhere else she could run that wasn't home;
Even if she hated my company.
But after that fell apart around me,
I still wanted to be a safe haven
For those who needed help getting away.
Now that Betty’s gone, though, things'll get worse,
And I don't know if it will worth staying.
But this is where Laura's always found me…
Don’t think I can leave here so easily. 

enter SARAH, unseen by MARC 

Marc- Well, at least Laura fin’lly got away.
I wish I’d had better last words to say. 

Sarah- At least she gave you the chance to say them;
At least she did not leave you in the dark;
I’m sorry… how have you been doing, Marc? 

Lyndon- Well, I do believe that’s my cue to leave;
Help yourself if you’d any stock relieve. 

exit LYNDON 

Marc- And to what do I owe this grand pleasure?
Recall not any redeeming measure. 

Sarah- And likely because there was never one made.
I've been lied to too many times before
And when I saw you that night here in the bar...
I just couldn't face the disappointment.
Maybe I should have lent you time to speak,
But I couldn’t risk letting down my guard. 

Marc- So why are you granting me leave to speak now?
If something has changed, I cannot see how. 

Sarah- You will not believe me, when I tell you…
Met Laura, Marc, most accidentally
And she told me enough of what hap’s here…
She loves you still Marc, that much was clear. 

Marc- Forgive me Sarah, if I’ve no patience,
But I’m very tired; these have been long months
And I’ve no int’rest in long winded speech. 

Sarah- I do a little forebearence beseech;
I know this is a terrible time,
And I didn't know until I landed
The tribulations you're facing today;
Allow me my earnest sympathies pay. 

Marc- I appreciate your condolences, 
But that is not what brings you here today.
Sorry if I'm a little cold and brash,
But I've no time for sentimental trash.

Sarah- I know I don’t deserve any kind words,
And I realize that I've caused nothing but rue,
But I wanted to explain what I did,
And make of your forgiveness a bid. 

Marc- Is that what you expect to happen here?
The few times I have kept your company,
You've fled without e'en a parting reason.
You begged of me to play an honest hand,
And yet you've never spared one ounce of trust... 

Sarah- There's a lot of things we never discussed;
I've made a lot of bad choices, Marcus,
Choices that only ended in pain and tears
Because I blindly gave into desire.
My desire for you triggered that trained fear,
And I panicked like some fool, startled deer. 

Marc- And why should I give you another chance?
You, Sarah, who’ve born no trust in my name
Are asking that I again lend trust to you?
How can you expect me to put aside
The experiences I’ve had with you?
I don’t know Sarah, if I can that do. 

Sarah- I came back here in spite of my fear, Marc
Because I think we both deserve better
Than the shit deals fate's dealt us in the past;
And because I thought I found that in you.
But it looks like I’m just wasting time.
Give me a call Marc, if you’d spare the dime[turns to leave]

Marc- Sarah, wait. Don't judge me by the moment;
You’ve just picked a hell of a time to speak.
I’m not saying no, Sarah, understand,
And if there is any time to amend,
Than this is that time; your approach sucks though. 

Sarah- Well, shit Marc, I'm not a pilot, you know, 
But I'm still trying to land this damn thing
Because I think there's something worth saving. 

Marc- What in the world did Laura say to you? 

Sarah- Among other things, the err in my view 
Of the last time I came into this bar;
And I confess I refused to believe her.
I couldn't see how someone who loved so much
Could be leaving you far behind them.
I tell you, she really does love you Marc. 

Marc- And I love her too, but there's nothing there; 
It is a very broken past we share. 

Sarah- Broken pasts for me mean danger and pain, 
And it wasn't until until she ran into me
That I began to doubt all that I'd done.
I stopped questioning what your intents were
And began to question those that I claimed;
I began to see my dishonesty
And that no matter the truth in your words,
The threat and lie lay in between my ears.
And I realized that though she wanted you,
It was me she was trying to send back.
Now I'm here; so I ask, do you want me. 

Marc- It's hard to trust anything now, you see.
And the fresh, over-abundant turmoil
That surrounds me in this infernal town,
Does little to convince me to forgo
The courtesy I learned back in L.A.
But then, I remember you're not from here;
You are not truly a part of my sorrows,
But a vision of the things I wanted
When I fled from here all those years ago.
There is much past corruption between us
That strives to undo ev'rything we try
Because all we see are tears from yesterday.
But we are not from each other's past lives,
And no matter how real our fears may be,
They might not necessarily apply here.
So I try to see around my own faults,
And I try to remember you've your own,
So I can ask myself, what do I want.
The answer isn't really so strange though,
But it does require I ask a question.
Do you recall that first ev'ning we shared?
If that was the real you, as it was me,
Then please sit down, I need your company. 

black out

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