
Airport Sparrows Act 1 scene vii

Sorry 'm a little behind schedule.  The last couple of days were rather hectic and I was away from my computer.  Shall we continue?

So here is one of the revised scenes from the reading we all did.  One of the comments I received was that it wasn't completely clear just what Marc's problem with the town, and what the town's problems with itself, were.  I hope this helps, and that you enjoy the changes.  As a bonus treat, posted after this 'final' draft version, I have also posted a the same section (two scenes) of an early draft.  It has much in common with the reading draft, but also sigificant differences.  

Act 1 scene vii 
a street/an airport

enter MARC

Marc- I wish I could tell whether or not mem'ry 
Paints this town in hues of such fell colours, 
Or if the town itself, through corruption, 
Can no longer hide her ample trackmarks. 
I wish I could blaim memory's insult, 
But clearly, things are far worse than I knew, 
And I cannot doubt my brother's own hand 
Has wrought at least half of all the trouble. 
Even the scant recollections of youth; 
Plentiful in mind, and thin on pleasure 
Have been eroded by time's slow passing 

enter LAURA, unseen by MARC 

The tall tales and bold fictions of boyhood
Are now but pale and ghostly overleaves,
Faded transparencies against a screen 
Torn and altered by a far harsher truth...
There's naught left that my memory would know. 

Laura- Some memories are not forgotten so
And think perhaps some were fictions to start. 
Welcome back Marc; did you e’er find a heart? 

Marc- And which are you Laura? Remembered ghost
Or this world’s truth, changed above all, the most? 

Laura- I’m surprised you e’en think to remember;
My own thoughts of you are not so tender. 

Marc- What else can I say Laura, than sorry.
The distance simply changed too much for me. 

Laura- I would have come Marc, had you ever called...
But no, you sought to leave everything, 
To leave this miserable town far behind;
To leave me alone here with ne’er a word.
How could you leave me here so easily?
Did you ever feel anything for me? 

Marc- Leaving was not so easy as you think.
You were the very center of my life, 
The one true solace I ever had here.
But ev’rything else served to bring me down;
Threatened to destroy what I wanted…
I couldn’t stay knowing who I’d become:
You’d not have liked me as my heart grew numb. 

Laura- You think I like who stands before me now?
You left me alone here, you fucking ass. 
With you gone, all those things that spurred you on
Settled ‘round my neck like a hangman’s noose.
When you hung up on me for the last time
The gallows clicked and I finally fell.
I have tried so hard to forget you Marc;
Tried to drown your memory; drown the pain,
And I thought I had fin’lly succeeded.
I thought my heart was at last free of you.
But here you are, years after you broke me,
Now, when I have gotten used to my life,
You come and shine light into a darkness 
That never wanted to see that light again.
Fuck, Marc, why did you have to come back here?
My heart breaks again just knowing you’re near. 

Marc- You know well enough that I was called home
By the only reason that ever could: 
Once I left, I never sought to return.
But, Christ Laura, I never thought you’d stay.
You talked as much as I did of leaving,
Yet somehow, all these years later, you're here,
As if you never meant to leave at all.
Was life so bad that you would turn to blow?
Fuck Laura, why the hell didn’t you go? 

Laura- There’s only one place e’er wanted to be…
Good bye Marc; and stay the fuck ‘way from me. 

exit LAURA 

Marc- Fuck me and these fucking goddamn women!
As if it’s not enough I’ve come back here,
Everything I do seems baited to fail
And all intentions highlighted as burn.
How wonderfully auspicious my return…

MARC countinues strolling doen the street. enter SARAH in the airport with a cell phone in hand 

Sarah-  Hey Marc, I wanted to apologize… 
No, to damn formal; was cold enough.
I’d rather garner some warm affections
Than deny e’en the opportunity…
Would I, if I were Marc instead of me
Allow the redemption of such errors?
Oh Sarah, stop your foolish muttering
And open up your heart, make the stupid call.
You know you’ll never gain such as you seek
Unless you’re willing to accept what’s done
And craft the opportunity for it.

[SARAH dials: enter MARC on some street, spotlight only, phone ringing]

Come on Marc; answer: ease my discomfit. 

Marc- [answering] This is Marc, who may I ask is calling? 

Sarah- Hey Marc, it’s Sarah, is this a bad time?
I can call back later on another dime… 

Marc- Sarah?  I didn’t think that you would call
After you left me there at the hotel. 

Sarah- And I have no decent reason to share 
Beyond that I am painfully aware 
That I am an absolute fool for it. 
What we did was so far beyond my realm
That I panicked when the alarm resounded, 
And I found myself lying next to you.
I know I cannot change what I did,
But neither would I end this thing with you;
Whatever we’ve started, I'd continue. 

Marc- This is rather new to me too, Sarah, 
But I have to tell you that this damn town
Is not place I'd ever chose to be. 
That being said, could use a little light, 
And not something that would darken my night. 

Sarah- I have no desire to be a burden, 
But I have a lot of baggage with me 
Some of which managed to get lost in flight. 
I really want to start this anew, 
And I'll do my best to respect your woes,
But I beg you to play it straight with me, 
For I’ve seen the deceiver’s face too often,
And I can not take such deceits again. 

Marc- It isn't lies, but silence that's my bane
And inaction across the course of time 
That left scars upon all who were involved:
I’ll give you no lies Sarah, only truth.
So my dear… when might we next share a booth? 

Sarah- Tonight, if you’d my company enjoy,
But we're not landing until pretty late. 

Marc- Then I'll see you when you attendance make
And we shall give this act another take. 

Sarah- Thank you Marc, for forgiving me my err.
I’ll see you when I alight from the air. 

Marc- I’ll already be at the Canary
Keeping Lyndon on the straight and narrow. 
I’ll see you later then, little sparrow.

[Spot out, exit MARC as hangs up] 

Sarah- Yes! The gods must be smiling upon me.
Paul was right to think that Marc might yet hold...
Now if I can but measure up to this;
Measure up to myself and my ideals,

[her phone rings

Instead of struggling with ineptitude. [looks at phone]
Michael, the cheat! Won’t take a fucking hint! 
I cannot be clearer with him...
[silences] No, not again. I’ll not answer –  asshole!
I refuse to suffer again such scourge
That sowed only pain where love should have grown.
Take a hint Michael, and leave me alone! 

exit SARAH


Act 1 scene vii
a street

enter Marx and Laura[unseen]
Marx- Oh Christ, you must be kidding; Doughboy’s too?
My memories of a young boy spent here;
The tall tales and bold fictions of my life
Seem so hollow ‘gainst the progress of time.
How odd that memory battles with the truth
Leaving my past as ghostly overleaves;
Faded transparencies that don’t exist –
Tis only a lost illusion I’ve missed.
Laura- Some memories are not forgotten so
And think perhaps some were fictions to start.
Welcome back Marx; did you e’er find a heart?
Marx- And which are you Laura? Remembered ghost
Or this world’s truth, changed above all, the most?
Laura- I’m surprised you e’en think to remember;
My own thoughts of you are not so tender.
Marx- What else can I say Laura, than sorry.
The distance simply changed too much for me.
Laura- I would have come Marx, if e’er you had called.
But no, you sought to leave everything…
To leave this miserable town far behind;
To leave me alone here with ne’er a word.
How could you leave me here so easily?
Did you ever feel anything for me?
Marx- Leaving was not so easy as you think.
You were the very center of my life,
The one true solace I ever had here.
But ev’rything else served to bring me down;
Threatened to destroy what I wanted…
I couldn’t stay knowing who I’d become:
You’d not have liked me as my heart grew numb.
Laura- And think I like who stands before me now?
You left me alone here, you fucking ass.
With you gone, all those things that spurred you on
Settled ‘round my neck like a hangman’s noose.
When you hung up on me for the last time
The gallows clicked and I finally fell.
I have tried so hard to forget you Marx;
Tried to drown your memory; drown the pain,
And I thought I had fin’lly succeeded.
I thought my heart was at last free of you.
But here you are, years after you broke me,
Now, when I have gotten used to my life,
You come and shine light into a darkness
That never wanted to see that light again.
Fuck, Marx, why did you have to come back here?
My heart breaks again just knowing you’re near.
Marx- You know well enough that I was called home
By the only reason that ever could:
Once I left, I never sought to return.
But Christ Laura, I never thought you’d stay.
You talked as much as I did of leaving,
Yet somehow, all these years later, are here,
As if you never meant to leave at all.
Was life so bad that you would turn to blow?
Fuck Laura, why the hell didn’t you go?
Laura- There’s only one place e’er wanted to be…
Good bye Marx; and stay the fuck ‘way from me.

exit Laura
Marx- Fuck me and these fucking goddamn women!
As if it’s not enough I’ve come back here,
Everything I do seems baited to fail
And all intentions highlighted as burn.
How wonderfully auspicious my return…

exit Marx

Act 1 scene viii
an airport/street

enter Sarah

Sarah-  Hey Marx, I wanted to apologize…
No, to damn formal; was cold enough.
I’d rather garner some warm affections
Than deny e’en the opportunity…
Would I, if I were Marx instead of me
Allow the redemption of such errors?
Oh Sarah, stop your foolish muttering
And open up your heart, make the stupid call.
You know you’ll not gain such as you now seek
Unless you’re willing to accept what’s done
And craft the opportunity for it.

[Sarah dials: enter Marx, spotlight only, phone ringing]

Come on Marx; answer: ease my discomfit.
Marx- God damn it, why are women so galling…
[answering] This is Marx, who may I ask is calling?
Sarah- Hey Marx, it’s Sarah, is this a bad time?
I can call back later on another dime…
Marx- Sarah?  I didn’t think that you would call
After you departed from the hotel
So what’s up Sarah, is ev’rything well?
Sarah- I… Marx… I feel bad about what I’ve done,
And I know that I’d rather remedy it
Than leave you confounded without a word.
I’ve many issues which you’re not the cause
And which I much prefer to cast aside…
What we’ve done is so far beyond my realm
That I panicked when the alarm resounded
And I found myself lying next to you.
Know I cannot else than have offended,
But I do not want to be done with you;
Whatever we’ve started, would continue.
Marx- I have my share of troubles too, Sarah,
Especially coming back to this town.
This place is not a fresh start for me;
In these streets no Elysian Fields found.
Only visions such as Endymion
If Morpheus gave but nightmares instead.
I would like to have you as my Selene,
Shining light into this cave where I slumber.
And though the wind often carries the rain,
Even unseen, Selene still hunts the sky.
Give me a chance Sarah, to doubts deny.
Sarah- I really want to start this anew,
But pray you with me straight honesty bear
For I’ve seen the deceiver’s face too often,
And I could not take such deceits again.
Marx- It’s not lies, but silence that is my bane
And inaction across the course of time
That left scars upon all who were involved:
I’ll give you no lies Sarah, only truth.
So my dear… when might we next share a booth?
Sarah- Tonight, if you’d my company enjoy,
But ‘t’will be late when descends my employ.
Marx- Then I shall see you when attendance make
And we shall give this act another take.
Sarah- Thank you Mark, for forgiving me my err.
I’ll see you when I alight from the air.
Marx- I’ll already be at the Canary
Keeping Lyndon on the straight and narrow.
I’ll see you later then, little sparrow.

[Spot out, exit Marx as hangs up]

Sarah- Yes! The gods must be smiling upon me.
Paul was right to think that Marx might yet hold
A door still open for me in his heart.
Now if I can but measure up to this,
Measure up to myself and my ideals,
[her phone rings]
Instead of struggling with ineptitude.[looks at phone]
Michael, the cheat! Won’t take a fucking hint!
Know not how I can ever be clearer…
[silences] No, not again. I’ll not answer –  asshole!
I cannot suffer again such foul scourge
That has only wrought pain where love should grow.
Take you a hint Michael, and hell-ward go.

exit Sarah

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